February meeting

This Saturday, 8 February, we have our monthly meeting at our usual venue of the Sacred Heart Church in Cork.

Doors open at 10 am.

Talented quilter Ethelda Ellis will be visiting and she will show us her work in “My Quilting Journey”:

Artist Statement:  Ethelda Ellis

My journey as a textile artist started in my beautiful diverse homeland, South Africa. In 2010 I was privileged to move to Ireland, much smaller in size but a country with so many new places and landscapes to see and explore. This led to new inspiration to continue with my passion: using fabric and threads to make works of art.
I love creating especially landscapes, portraying locations that have special meaning and memories to me. Through my quilts I share my love of nature with others and attempt to take viewers on a journey to known or unknown places.
I also like to work to a theme and explore new horizons through research and then sharing the knowledge and telling the story in fabric and thread.
My style is representational with detailed focal points which are done with small scraps of fabric, fused together into designs and then thread sketched with my sewing machine. These are then appliquéd on a background pieced from blocks or strips patched together or sometimes even small snippets of fabric trapped behind black tulle. The fun part is the actual free-motion quilting of all the layers together, to create dimension and texture.
Textile art combines my love of sewing and quilting with my love of creating art. I attempt to promote it as a visual art.
I exhibit my work nationally and internationally and won prizes in Ireland, Europe and South Africa.
I was one of the founders of Laois Quilters, a group that meets once a month in Portlaoise.
More information:  ethelda.blogspot.com

Also at the meeting:

  • Shop: Patchwork Plus
  • Show & Tell: Please bring your work to show
  • Coffee and tea available, contributions of cake/biscuits or other snacks much appreciated as always!

In the afternoon we will have a hand applique workshop with myself (Sandra Jansen). If you have signed up for the workshop and you haven’t received further information and the list of requirements, please let us know as soon as possible.